Sugar Skull

Sugar Skull. Tempera Paint . 2016. I was inspired to do this painting from Frida Kahlo and Georgia O'Keeffe with Frida being the inspiration for the thorns and birds, and Georgia being the inspiration for the flowers. I wanted the girl in the picture to have half her face painted as a sugar skull because it represents a departed soul and that she is grieving. I had the thorns and dead birds put next to her on one side because that represents her grieving, depressed side, and flowers put on the other to show how she can only grow from where she is now. They represent that life is full of growth, and that growth is beautiful. They represent that she is slowly starting to come out of her depressed state, and slowly moving towards happiness, which are the flowers. I put a bright red flower in her hair to symbolize that every person, no matter how sad, is still beautiful and can always achieve happiness.