Just a Slice?. Acrylic Painting. 2018. I was inspired to do something large and different for this piece. I wanted people to look at this painting and get a hungry feeling in their tummies! I used the paint by putting it in a piping bag for frosting and piped it on. This created a thick looking crust on the pizza, frosting on the cake, texture on the cookie, and the juiciness on the watermelon. I used this process over and over till the thickness was at a realistic state. I then went in and added the details such as the grease on the pepperonis, the cracks in the cookie, the shine on the watermelon, and the happy birthday part of the cake. i was very inspired by all pop art artists and the vibrant colors they use. I wanted this piece to be very eye-catching and something people would be drawn to as soon as they walk into the room.